COVID-19: Plea for Wiltshire residents to stick to new outdoor rules

Restrictions ease on meeting up outside

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 29th Mar 2021
Last updated 29th Mar 2021

From today (29th March) you can meet up outside in groups of up to six from different households ( the so called Rule of 6).

Children do count in the Rule of Six but to make it easier for larger families the government is also allowing two households of any size to get together.

Those meeting under the new rules must still observe social distancing rules.

Meeting up outside includes private gardens.

The ‘stay at home’ message from the government is also being dropped however travel is still being advised to be kept to a minimum and people should continue to work from home where possible.

Wiltshire Council is urging people to follow the advice and not to break the rules.

Kate Blackburn, Director of Public Health, said:

“It’s great that more people can meet up from 29 March, but it’s really important that people follow the rules and only meet up outside in groups of up to six people, or two households, and that they remain at least two metres apart from people that are not in their household or support bubble.

“If people do not follow this guidance, larger gatherings or indoor meet-ups could increase the rate of infection and ultimately cost lives in Wiltshire. "

“This is particularly important around Easter time, when hopefully we will have some good weather and people can meet outside. The whole of Wiltshire has worked so hard to bring the infection rate down here, and we need to keep following the rules to keep cases low.”

Formally organised parent and child groups will also be able to take place outdoors for up to 15 attendees. Children under 5 will not be counted in this number.


From 29 March, some outdoor sports facilities will reopen, and people can play formalised sports such as football and tennis.

Training resumes at the City of Salisbury Athletics and Running Club tonight much to the delight of members.

Council run leisure facilities which will be opening from today include the football pitches at Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre in Salisbury for club block bookings, and the tennis courts at the Nadder Centre in Tisbury.

However, this does not include any changing or toilet facilities, and no leisure centre buildings will reopen on this date.


On 31 March, the requirement for the clinically extremely vulnerable to shield will formally end.

Wiltshire Council says while this is 'welcome news' the Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub remains in place for those who may need additional support.

You can call the hub on 0300 003 4576 or email between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday and 10am-4pm Saturday.

To find out more about Wiltshire Council services, and to see a roadmap of when services may reopen in the county, people should go to: