New wheeled garden waste bins available to NFDC residents

They'll hold twice as much as the bags used at the moment

Author: Aaron HarperPublished 6th Jul 2023

New wheeled garden waste bins are to be made available to residents of the New Forest from April next year.

At a cabinet meeting this week, it was agreed that new 240L wheeled bins would be used for garden waste collection.

The bins will be brown lidded and hold twice as much waste as the current reusable bags do.

The current service has 21,000 customers, which is around one in four households.

The new service will have an annual charge of £65, plus a one-off £25 fee for supply of the bin.

Households wishing to join the service will be invited to do in the autumn of this year, with an early offer of no charge for the bin, saving the £25.

More information will be made available on the Council’s website.

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