Netheravon library reopens today for the first time since March

The team there and volunteers have worked hard to bring the facility back.

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 14th Dec 2020

Wiltshire council has announced Netheravon library will welcome back customers today (14th December).

The local authority is sontinuing a phased re-opening of libraries since the second national lockdown ended at the beginning of the month with Netheravon Library the first volunteer -led facility to open it's doors.

It will operate a limited browsing service on Mondays and Thursdays from 2pm to 4pm.

The library will be closed on 24 December and 28 December.

The same COVID-19 measures that are in place in all open Wiltshire libraries, including social distancing, will be used in Netheravon Library to help keep everyone as safe as possible.

Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Libraries, said:

"We want to extend a huge thank you to our Volunteer Coordinator, Dorothea Georgeson and the Community Library Manager, Karen Nashwalder, who have put a lot of hard work towards getting to this stage in being able to reopen Netheravon library."

"As the first of our volunteer-led libraries to be reopening, and as a volunteer of Netheravon library myself, I am delighted to be able to support the local community once again. We know how much residents will appreciate being able to access the library to borrow items and use the public computers before Christmas. "

"We want to extend a thank you to all of the Netheravon Community Library Volunteers who this library relies on, for stepping in to provide support at this time. We simply could not be reopening without the commitment of our volunteers."

"We look forward to welcoming the community back to enjoy the library once again."

Wilthire Council says other volunteer led libraries are being prepared for reopening with further details to follow as plans progress.


Amesbury, Downton, Mere, Pewsey,Salisbury ,Warminster and Wilton have all reopened in the last week or so.

Library opening times and contact details can be found on Wiltshire Council's website

You can find details of the mobile library times on the council's Mobile Libraries webpage.

The online library content, which has proven to be hugely popular, will continue.

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