Hedgehog Superhighway plans for Salisbury

The new route will help the prickly creatures travel around safely

Author: Sophie CridlandPublished 7th Apr 2021

Salisbury Transition City are hoping to protect the declining number of hedgehogs in the county with a new initiative.

The number of wild hedgehogs in country have halved since 2007 and there now thought to be less than half a million left in the UK.

STC are hoping to change that by starting a 'Hedgehog Superhighway' in Salisbury with their 'Holes for Hedgehog's project' to protect the prickly mammals.


A Hedgehog Highway is a number of holes in fences and walls that allow them to roam freely from garden to garden.

They travel up to two metres looking for food in the night and if the gardens are enclosed it could be getting in the way of their plans.

A hedgehog highway would stop them from crossing dangerous roads, helping more hedgehogs to survive.

Holes only need to be 13cm by 13cm - Just the right size to allow the mammals to pass through but small enough for other promiscuous pets.

People have already been getting creative with crafted wooden door frames and ramps for the hedgehogs.

Susie is the Holes for Hedgehog Project Leader

Susie Alexander is one of them, she is STC project leader for 'Holes for Hedgehogs':

"Some friends in Bristol told me about how they had created holes for hedgehogs in the fences in their road, and I thought what a brilliant idea this would be for Salisbury.

"I suggested it to the people at Salisbury Transition City who were all incredibly enthusiastic about the project and we have a team of volunteers posting leaflets through doors throughout the city.

"I had initially envisaged it as a local scheme just around my area, but STC had bigger and better ideas, and we are hoping it will be taken up all over Salisbury".

For more help and advice on how to protect Hedgehog's in you garden contact Salisbury Transition City here: info@transitionsalisbury.org

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