Wiltshire's autistic people and carers asked for views on services
Healthwatch Wiltshire wants to know how services can be improved
Autistic people in Wiltshire, and their families and carers, are being asked for their thoughts on mental health services offered in the county.
Healthwatch Wiltshire is leading the study, calling for people with the condition aged over 14 to share their experiences over the last three years.
The views of relatives and carers of those who've accessed support are also being taken for the survey.
The findings will help to shape future services and make improvements where needed.
Catharine Symington, Interim Manager of Healthwatch Wiltshire, said:
“We want to hear from autistic people, and their friends, relatives and carers, about their personal experiences of mental health services.
"Everything you share with us will be used to tell those who run services what could be improved or developed in the future. All feedback is confidential and anonymous."
Louise Rendle, CEO of Wiltshire Service Users Network, said:
"We would love to hear about how mental health services in Wiltshire are working for you, what's going well and where you think things could be better.
“If you need any support completing our survey, please get in touch so we can help.”
The surveys can be completed online, over the phone or through paper copies.
The version for autistic people is different to the one for relatives and carers.
If you'd like a paper copy to be sent to you or you want to take part on the phone, call Healthwatch Wiltshire on 01225 434218 or info@healthwatchwiltshire.co.uk.