Have your say on Clare's Law

People in Wiltshire can help protect victims of domestic abuse.

Clare's Law
Published 11th Oct 2020

Victims of domestic abuse in Wiltshire who have accessed Clare's Law are being asked to share their experiences as part of a research project.

The legislation named in memory of Clare Wood, 36, who was murdered by an ex-partner, was rolled out in England and Wales in 2014 as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS).

The scheme enables police to disclose normally confidential information about a person's criminal history to someone who is deemed to be at risk of future abuse, so they can make informed choices about their safety.

The number of disclosures made under Clare's Law in Wiltshire went up 45% in a year - with 444 people asking for information about a partner.

Dr Charlotte Barlow, of Lancaster University, is leading a research project, which is funded by the British Academy, to find out how victims and survivors rated the scheme:

"Victim and survivors' voices are often silenced and with this research we want to ensure they have the opportunity for their experiences and perspectives to be heard.''

The study aims to see how people who's made requests under Clare's Law rated the service provided


Ms Wood was strangled and set on fire at her home in Salford, Greater Manchester, in February 2009 by George Appleton, who had a record of violence against women.

Her father, Michael Brown, campaigned for the introduction of Clare's Law and the right to know'' about a person's history of violence. He believed his daughter would still be alive if she had known more of Appleton's background.

Domestic violence is currently featuring in a harrowing storyline in BBC1 soap EastEnders, in which Chantelle (Jessica Plummer) is suffering physical and mental abuse at the hands of her husband Gray (Toby Alexander-Smith).

In the first week of July, as lockdown lifted, domestic violence charity Refuge saw a 54% rise in women contacting its helpline needing emergency accommodation, compared with the last week in June.

Anyone with experience of Clare's Law who would be happy to be interviewed about their experience can contact Dr Barlow at c.barlow@lancaster.ac.uk