Gonorrhoea infections on the rise in Wiltshire

New figures show cases of the sexually transmitted infection have increased dramatically.

Published 11th Sep 2020

Data from Public Health England show there were 162 cases of gonorrhoea in Wiltshire in 2019.

That's up by 50% from the 108 infections reported a year earlier.

Meanwhile 809 cases of gonorrhoea were diagnosed in Hampshire in 2019.

That was up by 41% from the 573 infections reported a year earlier, and the highest number since comparable local records began in 2012.

Cases across England swelled by 26% over the year to 70,936 which is the highest number since records began in 1918.


Gonorrhoea is the second most common bacterial STI in the UK after chlamydia and can sometimes be symptomless.

It used to be known as "the clap" and can be easily passed between people.

It's caused by bacteria that live in warm, moist parts of the body such as the genitals and throat.

You can find out more on the NHS website. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gonorrhoea/


Dr Hamish Mohammed, national lead for sexually transmitted infection surveillance at PHE, said:

"The considerable rise of gonorrhoea cases in England as well as the continued rise of other STIs is concerning. It is important to emphasise that STIs can pose serious consequences to health. "

"We expect to see further cases of antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea in the future, which will be challenging for healthcare professionals to manage."


The number of overall STI cases in both Wiltshire and Hampshire went up in 2019.

  • Wiltshire - 2,438 up by 6% from 2,290 in 2018
  • Hampshire - 9399 up by 2% from 9,187 in 2018

Meanwhile across England cases rose by 5%.

PHE said the rise was likely to be due to people not using condoms correctly and consistently with new and casual partners, and an increase in testing helping improve detection of the most common infections.

Chlamydia was the most commonly diagnosed infection last year.

Among young people aged 15 to 24, the number of chlamydia tests carried out rose 2% compared with 2018.

Dr John McSorley, president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, said the year-on-year rise in STI diagnoses is "hugely concerning".

"This year we have seen how crucial investment in public health services is to support the wellbeing of populations more widely, and we must consider how we can continue to improve access to services for all those who need them and those at the highest risk."

PHE said it is analysing the data to understand the impact of the Covid-19 response on HIV and STI services and the effect of social distancing measures on the spread of STIs.

Ian Green, chief executive of sexual health charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, said the figures reveal the "ongoing inaction and lack of vision for improving the nation’s sexual health".

He added: "Rates of sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhoea and syphilis are rising significantly while sexual health services are over-burdened and under-funded."

Mr Green said that as people start to have sex again in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown, access to testing and treatment should be "scaled up in parallel".