Face masks to become compulsory in some South Wiltshire schools

Those that are in the Magna Learning Partnership are making changes.

Pupils at Trafalgar School will be home learning for the remainder of term.
Author: Faye TryhornPublished 30th Sep 2020

From today (Wednesday 30th September), students at Salisbury's Wyvern St Edmunds and Sarum Academy, the Trafalgar School at Downton and Salisbury 6th Form College, are ADVISED to wear face coverings in communal areas, like corridors and during the changeover for lessons.

That advice will become COMPULSORY from Monday (5th October).

Students won't have to wear masks in their actual lessons, as they're already in group 'bubbles' and they won't need to wear them in outdoor areas either.

A letter sent out to parents and carers says the Department for Education allows schools and colleges to 'use their discretion' on whether to make face coverings a requirement.

The Magna Learning Partnership say they're bringing it in now due to the national rise in Covid-19 infection rates, saying 'we believe it is now right to introduce an additional precautionary measure to reduce the possible transmission'.

Last week, it was confirmed that a member of staff at Wyvern St Edmunds had tested positive for coronavirus.

CEO of the Magna Learning Partnership, Sarah Busby said this is a precautionary measure:

"Although the Covid-19 risk to young people is, thankfully, reported to be very low, young people can pass on the infection to others who may be more vulnerable. We would like to reassure families that our schools and college are doing an excellent job to ensure that students are as safe in school as they can be; this face mask measure is an additional precaution to add to the safety measures in place.

"The MLP policy on the wearing of face masks in school/college will be reviewed on a regular basis in line with guidance from the DfE and Public Health England. We reserve the right to change our position, with the expectation of your continued support."