Anger at zero access to Stonehenge for Autumn Equinox

English Heritage takes 'difficult decision' at the monument due to Covid-19 concerns.

The marathon route takes in Stonehenge!
Author: Mike DraperPublished 21st Sep 2020

English Heritage is in the firing line after causing upset with its decision not to allow people into Stonehenge this year to celebrate the Autumn Equinox, an event that normally attracts approximately 800 visitors.

Senior Salisbury Druid, Arthur Pendragon, is furious at not being able to gather at the stones for the important ceremony, and says the decision is divisive and could cause confrontation.

Senior Druid, Arthur Pendragon, is angry at Autumn Equinox celebrations being cancelled

Arthur's shared a letter he received from English Heritage explaining the organisation's decision to deny access for Tuesday's celestial sunrise event (22 Sept 2020):


"We English Heritage are mindful of the risk of people coming together in such large numbers at present, and have taken this decision in the interests of public health. This decision was taken following advice from Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire Police and we have waited until so close to the date in case the situation improved. Unfortunately however, with the recent government announcements we know this is not the case."

"As Stonehenge is both a recognised visitor attraction and place of worship, we are able to host more than the recently announced 6 people. English Heritage had proposed, as an alternative to open access, to invite thirty representatives from the pagan and druid community to mark the Equinox in the early morning at Stonehenge. We consulted on how to arrange this with the Round Table Group, who represent the pagan, druid and spiritual communities on matters relating to Stonehenge."

"In the short time left to us, we could only discuss this possibility with some members who attend meetings regularly. The consensus from them was that it could only be fair to all parties, if there were no access at all. Recognising that equitable access for all is a principle held dear by the Stonehenge community, English Heritage has accepted this judgement."


The Druid and Pagan community have already suffered losing freedom of access to the stone circle at Stonehenge for their Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice celebrations and ceremonies. The Summer Solstice event is seen by many as a pilgrimage and usually attracts in the region of 12,000 people from all over the world, and not just members of the pagan and druid community.

Arthur Pendragon says, regardless of any restrictions, he fully intends to be at Stonehenge for the Autumn Equinox and sunrise on Tuesday morning (22nd Sept 2020).


The Senior Druid, is well known for his defence of ancient rights of access to the iconic site.

Arthur Pendragon is adamant he will attend, saying Stonehenge is a place of worship, and the Equinox is an important religious observance, and therefore should come under the same rules as Churches, Mosques and Synagogues. He sees no reason why the current pandemic should put a stop to their gathering for a religious ceremony.

In a response to English Heritage, posted on Facebook, Arthur said:

"I note your attempt to justify the cancellation of the Autumn Equinox Gathering, and your assertion that you are unable to go ahead without the support of Public Health Wiltshire."

"I disagree as it is a Religious observance and not a licenced event and should be treated as such. Other places of worship are open to the public subject to social distancing, how much easier to social distance in a field on Salisbury Plain than in a Church, Temple, Tabernacle, Mosque or Synagogue?"

"I would point out that since the cancellation of this years Spring Gathering we have seen the return of your 'Paying visitors' since reopening to tourists shortly after this summers 'cancelled' gathering, and any attempt to justify another seasonal cancellation to Pilgrims whilst 'entertaining' tourists on a daily basis can NOT possibly be justified."


The druid leader is resolute, but could face action from the Police if he defies the English Heritage decision to prevent access to Stonehenge.

Arthur says he would rather not have to scale a fence or risk arrest just to reach the stones but claims that any attempt by English Heritage, Wiltshire Council or the Police to prevent him from attending will be viewed as a direct violation of Article/s 9,10,11, & 14 under The Human Rights Act UK Law, and The European Convention and UK Treaty Obligation.