Amesbury bar not reopening after Covid-19

Owners have said it wouldn't be sensible to keep ploughing money into the business.

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 28th Sep 2020

The Bank, a nightclub, bar and entertainment venue in Amesbury, is not going to be reopening.

It closed due to Covid-19 in March and they have said the virus has had a profound impact on their business.

They made the announcement on their Facebook page:

"It is with a heavy heart that we have taken the decision not to reopen The Bank. COVID has had a profound impact on many businesses and the hospitality sector has not been immune. We were grateful for the much needed grant back in March but that can only go so far. We have been very fortunate to draw on the success of The New Inn to keep a roof over the head of The Bank, but with the latest restrictions, it is not sensible for us to keep ploughing money into The Bank when there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

The late night economy has been thrown under the bus. Nightclubs across the country are closing by the day because there is no funding or support for this £66Bn industry. We fully accept the need to implement restrictions to reduce the risk of COVID, but that doesn’t mean that we should be left in the corner. The consequence of the difficult situation we all face is the loss of jobs, a loss of a community asset and a huge loss of so much effort that has been put into The Bank.

We’re not saying goodbye just yet though. We have plans to open a new cocktail bar and nightclub when things settle down. We will keep you posted."

The owner of The Bank, Nathan Muirhead, also runs the New Inn pub in the town.

That venue has reopened and will continue to do so under the new government guidelines.

Visit their Facebook page for all the details.