Support "needs to be" in schools for pupils questioning gender, says Rutland trans campaigner

A three month consultation on new Government transgender guidance for schools and colleges ends tonight

Author: Ellis MaddisonPublished 12th Mar 2024

Support "needs to be there" in schools and colleges for transgender pupils, according to a trans rights campaigner in Rutland.

A 12-week consultation on what should be included in the Government's new guidance for supporting students questioning their gender ends tonight.

In December, The Department for Education asked for public feedback on the proposed draft guidance and practical support for schools and colleges, including on how best to:

  • support children who are questioning their gender
  • protect children from bullying or abuse
  • maintain child safety and wellbeing

Respondents have until midnight tonight to give their views on the content of the guidance and "whether it will help to support schools and colleges, teachers and leaders to make considered and lawful decisions in relation to children who are questioning their gender and the wider school and college community."

Paul Neenoo, who is a trans rights campaigner from Rutland, said: 'These people are just wanting to live a normal life. The scariness of the lack of information; the dangers; the hate in the world towards difference, it all scales up.'

'As much information as possible should be available for teachers, parents and students - so everyone fully understands the journey involved.

'The lack of understanding is what the problem is. It's a long, scary journey for everyone, including the adults as well.'

'The support needs to be there for the children wanting to start this journey.'

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Greatest Hits Radio (Peterborough)