Rutland and Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner gives views on trans women issue

Rupert Matthews has spoken out about access to safe spaces

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Author: Local Democracy / Hannah RichardsonPublished 31st Aug 2021

The police and crime commissioner for Rutland and Leicestershire has defended comments he made about trans women's rights.

Rupert Matthews says it's right to support the trans community but he has concerns about allowing trans women into female only spaces.

He was agreeing with a tweet from his counterpart in Surrey.

He says that could put girls and women at risk.

Some people on social media have backed his stance.

However various members of the trans community have criticised his views.

They believe they have a right to safe spaces like toilets, changing rooms and prisons.

They're concerned it could lead to hate crimes against the LGBTQ community.

They feel Mr Matthews should be more supportive of them.

Others backed him saying they would feel more comfortable if female spaces didn't allow trans women.