Rutland foodbank fears an increase in demand for parcels due to changes to Universal Credit

The 20 pounds a week extra brought in due to the pandemic ends soon

Author: Andy MarshPublished 31st Aug 2021

Rutland foodbank say planned changes to Universal Credit payments mean more families will face financial crisis.

From October the Government is stopping the additional twenty pound a week uplift payment that was added to the benefit through the Covid crisis.

Ali Wainwright from the foodbank says people are already worried.

She fears they'll be an increase in demand for their parcels.

She told us "there are people already anxious that if the uplift comes off they'll find themselves in a situation where eventually they'll get referred".

"People will cut back on food, some may unfortunately cut back on food for children before they reach out for help."

"They only need one big bill, like the breakdown of a white good or a car and then it completely throws things out".

"These are families who are in poverty, they aren't people who have a choice like many of us do".

"It's the difference between being able to pay their bills and buy food or having a situation where they enter increasing debt and anxiety".

"The food we provide will help alleviate that".