Red Cross in Leicestershire reveal concerns about the new over Borders Act

They believe the Government should focus on safe passage

Red Cross
Author: Andy MarshPublished 2nd May 2022

The British Red Cross in Leicester say the Government's Nationality and Borders Act is a "poor use of resources".

The act will overhaul the asylum system by deterring people from illegally entering the UK and bringing in tougher penalties for people that do.

It passed last Thursday.

Fanny Sauvage, is from the Leicester branch, she says the UK should focus on helping asylum seekers finding safe passage instead.

She told us: "The fact that they have to travel in very small boats in very dangerous ways just highlights how desperate those people are to get to somewhere safe."

"Treating them like they are the criminal in this is just not solving the main problem".

"The one question to ask would be to ask why people have to take such dangerous routes and journeys just to get to a place of safety - that's the real problem."

"It's never going to stop people in small boats trying to cross the channel because they have no idea about this new deal, they have no idea what they face, when they're going to arrive in the UK."

"It's not going to solve the problem - it's just the UK abdicating its responsibility".

We asked the Government for a response:

They said the move will free up the asylum system so those in genuine need of asylum through safe and legal routes can be supported.

You can see the act here:,to%20be%20in%20the%20UK.