Plans to build one million square foot of warehouse space and 30 homes

It could be built on a former quarry site

As part of the same development, 30 homes would be built on an area of the site
Author: Amy OrtonPublished 17th Mar 2021

Plans to build one million square foot of warehouse space and 30 new homes on a former quarry site have been submitted.

Jaynic Properties working with Hereward Homes has submitted an outline application in relation to the Greetham Quarry site, Stretton Road, Greetham, Rutland.

Mineral extraction on the 57-acre site ceased in 2020 with a warehouse development providing a “feasible alternative employment generating use for the site”.

The firm says the development could provide hundreds of jobs for the surrounding area.

Jaynic says that the proposal will have a “minimal impact on the open countryside and no direct adverse physical, visual or amenity effect on the village of Greetham”.

The site was allocated for employment in the first version of Rutland’s proposed new local plan.

Nic Rumsey, managing director of Jaynic, said: “The site is very well located with excellent access to the A1.

"Demand along the A1 corridor has seen a steady rise during the last five years from national distribution companies, retailers, parcel carriers and manufacturers, and there is currently an under-supply of such space in the region.

"At the moment there are over 7 million sq ft of unsatisfied warehouse requirements along the A1/M1 Corridor.

"Despite the A1 running through Rutland’s borders the Council doesn’t currently have any large employment sites allocated that are capable of capturing the explosion of warehousing demand.

“The scale and size of the proposed units is in keeping with the buoyant ‘big box’ market and will go some way to helping soak up the swelling demand in this sector.

"This demand is expected to continue to grow in the immediate and longer term that will make a correspondingly larger contribution to the economy.”

Planning paperwork states: “The development proposed represents a productive use for which there is a demonstrable need on a site with is underutilised and for which no other productive purpose is proposed.

"The site provides few constraints on development in terms of the scale, mass, bulk and height of buildings which makes it ideal to accommodate the form of development which could not otherwise easily be accommodated elsewhere in the area.

“Overall, the development as proposed would not diminish the rural character of the countryside owing to the set down levels and additional landscaping of the development proposals and is therefore appropriate to the nature of the use and its wider setting.”

As part of the same development, 30 homes would be built on an area of the site.

The mix of housing on the site will be decided on when the proposal is discussed and if permission is granted but there will be between 30 and 35 properties – around 11 of which will be affordable housing.

The appearance of the homes will also be decided at a later stage but will “draw on aspects of local distinctiveness so as to appear appropriate in the context of Greetham’s character,” according to the application. Limestone, hardwood doors and white windows are suggested in the plans.

Application documents state: “The development will appear as a logical extension to Greetham. It follows the pattern characteristic of the village in lying to the north of the main road allowing development in modest depth but well related and connected to the village core and its local services.

“The scheme will provide a variety of different dwelling types and sizes, in accordance with the requirements of the development plan.”