Police portion of council tax bills set to rise in Cambridgeshire

Band D houses will be paying £12.96 more a year

Author: Victoria HornagoldPublished 1st Feb 2024
Last updated 1st Feb 2024

The policing element of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough council tax bills will rise in May.

The increase of £12.96 per year, proposed by police and crime commissioner Darryl Preston, means that households in band D properties will pay £285.48, up from £272.52.

The new precept was accepted by the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel, populated by councillors from across the region, at a meeting today (Wednesday, 31st January).

It was accepted effectively by default as the panel was told there weren’t enough members in the room to exercise their collective veto powers: Cllr Brian Tyler (Conservatives, Gunthorpe) joined the meeting online while three other councillors sent their apologies for absence.

There was, however, no appetite to use these powers among those who attended the meeting regardless.

Police budget documents say that it expects £87.3m in council tax in the 2024/5 financial year and a government funding settlement of £109.9m, equalling £197.1m overall.

Cambridgeshire police among ‘few forces’ supporting policing overseas

Another “innovative” way in which Cambridgeshire Constabulary raises money, Chief Constable Nick Dean said, is by providing “international assistance” to police forces abroad and by hosting overseas organisations in the UK.

Budget documents say that this work generated £250k last year and that Cambridgeshire Constabulary is “one of only a few forces to have a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the UK Home Office to provide global policing support and advice”.

In practice, this can mean police officers and staff from the local force have the “opportunity to experience policing abroad”, Mr Dean said, and to share expertise in issues such as drug exploitation, intelligence and neighbourhood policing.

The scheme’s purpose is to “secure and maintain safety and stability”, police documents add, as well as “support positive cultural change” and help “reduce downstream harm for the United Kingdom”.