Reporting mental health issues can tackle stigma, says Cambridgeshire charity

CPSL Mind said it supported more than 6,000 people in the county in 2023-24

Author: Dan MasonPublished 21st Dec 2024

A charity in Cambridgeshire believes more people should feel comfortable to ask for help to tackle the stigma around reporting mental health issues.

More than 6,000 people were supported by CPSL Mind - which covers Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire - in 2023-24, an increase from 4,800 on the previous year, with 458 hours of training and workshops delivered.

But figures from YouGov show that over the Christmas period, two in three people say this poses a challenge to their health and wellbeing.

"For lots of people they do have family and friends around, but for those who don't, it makes it all the more difficult," Lisa Gibson, head of services at CPSL Mind, said.

"Some people are happy being alone, some people feel quite lonely, sometimes it can feel like you're the only one but there are examples where people have found life difficult and able to feel more positive."

'Sometimes it can feel like you're the only one'

This year, CPSL Mind have been running good mood cafes, set up to allow people to meet one another, as well as share interests and improve their morale.

Lisa said the number of calls into the charity over Christmas drop, but that may not mean people won't be struggling.

"Some people are happy being alone, some people feel quite lonely, sometimes it can feel like you're the only one but there are examples where people have found life difficult and able to feel more positive," she said.

"If I'm aware someone might be on their own this Christmas, drop them a text, a call, and people can take opportunities to do some volunteering to connect with other people."

More than 20,000 support hours

This year, CPSL Mind have been running good mood cafes, set up to allow people to meet one another, as well as share interests and improve their morale.

Between 2023-24, the charity spent 20,650 hours delivering one-to-one support to people, 2,430 hours of online support and 170 hours of listening support through its general enquiries telephone line.

"We would suggest people think about a wellbeing plan and not to wait until things are difficult, such as 'what I'm going to do if I'm struggling, who am I going to reach out to'," Lisa added.

"It's good to get out, stretch the legs, and actually stopping and noticing what's around you like trees and nature; these things can help us to feel better.

"There is stigma, but it's misplaced; one in four people will experience a mental health challenge in any given year, so if that's you, you're not on your own and it's the right thing to do to ask for support."

Where can I find support?

Below are some of the services you can access to find help:

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