Vital life-saving equipment installed along Plymouth's waterfront

Five new defibrillators and extra signage has appeared in popular swimming spots

Cllr Maddi Bridgeman with one of the defibrillators
Author: Chris BakerPublished 10th Jun 2021

Vital life-saving equipment is being installed across the Plymouth Waterfront as part of the city's commitment to providing safe access to the waters of the National Marine Park.

And staff at waterfront businesses as well as wild swimmers are being offered the chance to be trained in how to use this crucial equipment.

Five new defibrillators are being installed at

The defibrillators are part of a wave of improvements, which has been made possible through the government's Getting Building Fund.

The Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership earlier this year announced that £625,000 of the fund would be allocated to improve safe physical access to the National Marine Park.

There are already four other public defibrillators at Yacht Haven, Mount Batten Watersports Centre, Liner Lookout (The Hoe) and at Royal William Yard.

Three of the new defibrillators have been bought by the Council, one by Plymouth Waterfront Partnership for Commercial Wharf and one by Wave After Wave for Firestone Bay.

Plymouth City Council is covering all installation costs and securing permission from building owners to provide power to the defibrillators (this is necessary to keep pads warm when outside temperatures drop below freezing).

The authority is also arranging the free training courses on CPR and how to use the new lifesaving automated external defibrillator equipment.

Other improvements that have already appeared on the waterfront are 14 sea swimming safety signs at key locations.

The signs highlight the health risks as well as benefits of sea swimming and give people a list of top tips to think about before entering the water. The RNLI and many others have been consulted on the content of the safety signs.

Councillor Maddi Bridgeman, Cabinet member for Environment and Street Scene said:

"Nothing is more important than making sure people are as safe as possible when they go into the sea. It's absolutely brilliant to see so many people enjoy the Sound - either on it or in it.

"But being at sea or in the water always carries a risk. We hope people find the signs useful and while we hope the defibrillators will not have to be used, they are available should they be needed."

Tor Froud of Wave After Wave said

"We're delighted to be working with the City Council and National Marine Park to make important safety improvements, which we're part funding from our successful crowdfunder."

More physical improvements will be appearing over the coming months, including two eagerly awaited swimming platforms as well as repairs to the shoreline.