Ten times more people have died from Covid-19 than usually die from flu in Plymouth

Plymouth's Public Health director said the annual number of flu deaths was “considerably lower” at around 10 per cent of the number of deaths of people from Covid-19

Author: Ed Oldfield - Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 28th Jan 2021

Ten times more people have died from Covid-19 than usually die from flu in Plymouth, councillors were told.

The issue came up as the city council’s health committee was given an update on the annual flu vaccination programme.

Conservative councillor Mark Deacon asked director of public health Ruth Harrell about deaths from flu, compared to Covid-19.

He said: “Do we have any data on how many people are unfortunately killed by flu every year and is it possible that this year some of the Covid numbers have been flu, or vice versa?”

Dr Harrell said the annual number of flu deaths varied but was “considerably lower” at around 10 per cent of the number of deaths of people from Covid-19.

She added: “You are correct in saying that if people haven’t died from flu this year then perhaps they have died from Covid, that is probably true, but that is a very small proportion of the Covid deaths.”

Dr Harrell said that early figures from the flu vaccination programme showed that the numbers receiving the jab in the city would be about 10 per cent to 15 per cent higher than last year, in line with the regional and national rate.

The director said whilst receiving the vaccination now would provide protection for the months at the end of the flu season, it was important for people to plan ahead to receive the jab at the start of the high risk period in October.

The number of deaths in the UK of people with Covid-19 on their death certificate since the start of the pandemic reached almost 104,000 by January 15, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.