Police want to speak to this man about five serious assaults in Plymouth

The assaults are reported to have taken place between 11pm and midnight on 26 May on Clifton Place

Author: Chris BakerPublished 23rd Jul 2021

Officers investigating reports of five serious assaults have released pictures of a man they would like to speak to in connection with the incident.

The assaults are reported to have taken place between 11pm and midnight on Wednesday 26 May on Clifton Place, Plymouth.

The victims sustained a number of injuries including, a man in his 20s, who was reportedly punched to the face causing him to fall to the floor.

Police investigating the incidents would like to identify the man pictured as they believe he may be able to assist with their enquiries.

We are aware that the quality of the image of low, however at this time this is the only image we have and hope that the public may still be able to assist.

Crime no: CR/042798/21

Officer no: 17991