Plymouth MP calls for gay men to donate blood following rule change

Luke Pollard, who is the city's first openly gay MP, has described the change as a "landmark moment"

Author: Chris BakerPublished 18th Jun 2021

Plymouth MP Luke Pollard, has called for gay and bisexual men in the South West to donate blood, as the rules around blood donations are changed.

From earlier this week (14 June), gay men in sexually active, monogamous relationships can donate blood for the first time.

People will now be assessed on their eligibility to give blood based on their individual behaviour, rather than on broad assumptions about their sexuality.

Mr Pollard said:

"This is a landmark moment. As Plymouth's first ever openly gay MP I have been supporting this campaign since I was elected. Lifting the unfair rules not only means gay and bisexual men are no longer being discriminated against it should mean more people are able to donate blood.

"I am calling on all gay and bisexual men in the South West to donate blood. Book your blood donation slot now. Donating blood saves lives and now the discriminatory rules have been lifted, let's get donating."