Plymouth litterbugs punished in court

9 have been fined

Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 17th Dec 2020

Yet more littering offenders have been before Plymouth Magistrates Court this week.

On Monday (14 December), nine defendants were found guilty in their absence and ordered to pay £454.

The court heard how all of the offenders were given fixed penalty notices by the Council's environmental enforcement officers, who witnessed them dropping litter on the city's streets.

However, despite several reminders, the fixed penalty notices remained unpaid, resulting in a summons to court.

They were each ordered to pay fines of £220, £200 in costs and a £34 victim surcharge. The original fixed penalty notice was for £100.

Councillor Sally Haydon, Cabinet member for Customer Focus and Community Safety, s**aid:**

"Here we are again. Nine more people who didn't get the memo that littering is not tolerated in Plymouth. We just won't have it.

"We will continue to punish those who let their fellow residents down with this kind of selfish behaviour."

"Our environmental enforcement officers patrol the streets each day, on the lookout for littering, fly-tipping, fly-posting and dog control offences."