Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue ask public to 'protect NHS' this Bonfire Night

Nearly 2,000 people were rushed to A&E with firework related injuries from 2018 to 2019

Author: Sophie SquiresPublished 5th Nov 2020
Last updated 5th Nov 2020

Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service are urging the public to stay safe this Bonfire Night.

They are concerned that as many events have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, people will let off fireworks in their back gardens - some 'for the first time ever'.

From 2018 to 2019 nearly 2,000 people were rushed to A&E with firework related injuries, from burns to smoke inhalation.

Kevin Mitcham, a Watch Manager for Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue, says that there are a number of rules that people should be made aware of:

“Firstly, buying them and carrying them in public, there's a rule about not being under 18 and doing so.

“There’s certainly some strict guidance on the safety distance around fireworks and bonfires, depending on what firework they are - there are a couple of classes that people can use at home.

“With respect to bonfires, there are rules about what you can burn on them. We don't want any toxic smoke polluting your neighbour's property.

“There are definitely time curfews. It's midnight on firework night and but 11pm at all other times, except for New Year’s Eve.

“So there are significant rules about and it is definitely worth considering look at websites like and your local council to see what the guidance is on bonfires.”

According to the Government website, you can be fined up to £5,000 and imprisoned for up to 6 months for selling or using fireworks illegally.

You could also get an on-the-spot fine of £90.

Kevin says they are just asking everyone to stay safe and protect the NHS:

“Think about the burns that can be inflicted so easily and ultimately will scar people for life.

“Are we encouraging people to have bonfires within their back garden? I think the cancellation of national events has put that on people's agenda but we'd like you to consider it carefully.”