Fort Bovisand about to undergo exciting renovation

Once works to stabilise the cliff face finish, the Fort will be given some much needed TLC

Author: Sophie SquiresPublished 27th Nov 2020

After 23 weeks of rigorous activity, work to stabilise the cliff face at Fort Bovisand is nearing completion.

They have now entered their final phase, before moving to carry out renovations on the buildings themselves.

Before this, the cliff - which supports the only access road serving the Fort and nearby dwellings - was at risk of crumbling away into the sea.

The Fort itself is also in urgent need of restoration and is currently on Historic England's 'at risk' register.

The majority of these works should be completed before Christmas, before the next phase of the project begins early in the New Year.

After this, they will begin replacing the crumbling accommodation building by the harbour and further renovations to the range of listed buildings and other works within the site to completion over the next couple of years.