Extra marshals to be deployed across Dartmoor ahead of summer surge

After the first lockdown ended, the National Park saw 'intensive visitor pressure'

Author: Daniel Clark - Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 8th Mar 2021

Extra marshals will be deployed across Dartmoor National Park this summer as they once again expect visitors to arrive in their droves.

Following the end of the first lockdown, the summer and autumn of 2020 saw intensive visitor pressure on Dartmoor, and while the increase and greater diversity of visitors was welcome, it has bought significant challenges.

A Dartmoor National Park Authority meeting on Friday morning heard that they expect the challenges in 2021 to continue and be just as great, and visitors to once again flock to the Moor.

But in an attempt to limit and respond to the challenges that this presents, a joint visitor management plan for 2021 has been agreed, and the National Park are in the process of securing additional money from the Police and Crime Commissioner, Forestry Commission and others to support ‘National Park Marshalls’, as well as using £40,000 from reserves to help fund them.

The Park will aim to encourage visitors to the Moor, but to give them the tools to enjoy the park and act responsibly, but issues a warning that if people ignore the rules and start to damage Dartmoor, then they will consider impose restrictions under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, and will start the process now as a precautionary measure in case it is required.

"We are aware that we will need to influence people’s decisions and behaviours from the point they decide to visit Dartmoor right the way through to the point that they leave. This will require a mix of good communications, infrastructure and people on the ground to help visitors make the right decisions and to enjoy the National Park responsibly.

"This Plan is about helping everybody enjoy Dartmoor but in ways, and at times and locations that do not cause harm to the special qualities of the National Park and to local communities and crucially to support local businesses as they re-open and are able to welcome people back.

"The sheer number of people and cars and behaviours of a minority of visitors has been challenging to manage, and we expect visitor numbers in 2021 to be high. We are not discouraging visitors but we aim to give them the tools to enjoy the Park and act responsibly. This won’t solve all the problems we have but will respond to new issues and opportunities where we can."

Alison Kohler - Director of Conservation and Communities

The meeting heard that a visitor survey showed that 22 per cent of people who visited Dartmoor last summer were first time users, with members heating that new visitors from a potentially more diverse socio-economic base is a positive outcome, both for the individuals who have ‘discovered Dartmoor’ and for the place, particularly if we can engage with those visitors and encourage a deeper connection with Dartmoor.

But it heard that some of the issues that the extra visitors to the Moor caused included camping in the wrong location in large groups and associated damage caused by fires, litter and human waste, motorhomes parking overnight on roadsides, inappropriate parking, off-road cycling where there is no legal right to do so, and threatening behaviour to officers of the Authority.

Two Bridges and Wistman’s Wood, Bellever/Riddon Ridge, Foggingtor Quarry, Roborough Down, Shipley Bridge, the Dart Valley and all river and reservoir sites were named as the sites that were particularly challenging during 2020.


Bellever /Riddon Ridge

The Authority implemented restrictions under the Dartmoor Commons Act 1985 to ban camping for 28 days at Bellever/Riddon Ridge because of the level of camping and associated damage to the fabric of the common, including concerns about the impact on archaeology, grazing animals and ecology.

The resources required to implement this were significant, both in officer time and finance and Dartmoor contracted with a private security firm for the provision of National Park Marshalls to help engage and educate the public. This proved to be a success because there was a clear need for action and to support the action they took.


The Park moved away from more educational, softer signage to the larger warning/emergency style yellow signs, with simple but clear advice. These were deployed at car parks and laybys and at heavily used sites – particularly where antisocial behaviour was evident – and feedback has been that these signs were more effective, providing the clear message required for any prosecution under the byelaws.

Traffic management

The worst cases of traffic management were at Foggingtor, Shipley Bridge and Two Bridges but other sites included Hexworthy and Meldon reservoir access road.

Traffic cones at Two Bridges were eventually put in place in September 2020 and have proved successful in managing dangerous parking on the road.

A programme of verge treatment for Two Bridges, Shipley Bridge, Meldon and Foggingtor to better manage the parking and reduce impact on verges has been started.

Off-Road Cycling

An issue in some areas, but something that is of growing concern amongst Rangers, the meeting heard. Full erosion surveys at a number of areas where they have been notified of damage – Haytor, Roborough Down and the Warren House – are being carried out, in order tofocus future erosion budgets more effectively.

Outreach Vehicle and Visitor Survey

In response to the high levels of use and issues being reported by Rangers and communities, the outreach vehicle operated at weekends with a focus on busy sites.

Dartmoor took the opportunity to undertake visitor surveys and this work has been supported by Voluntary Wardens, while regular visits were also made to Two Bridges, Foggingtor and Shipley Bridge as well as Bellever.


Friday’s Authority meeting heard that a visitor management plan for 2021 would focus on communicating key messages, providing a warm welcome, managing traffic flows and parking, and limiting damaging activity.

Managing Traffic Flows and Parking

In the review of the National Park Management Plan, they recognise the need to provide a longer term more sustainable solution to this increasing problem, but the meeting heard that this will not solve the potential issues we face this summer.

These include providing more detailed information for Google maps which includes size of car park and busy times to help visitors plan their trip, better mapping on our own website showing car park sites and capacity, and working with Devon County Council’s Highways Operations Centre and local radio stations to promote real time information on traffic flows and car park capacity so that people can avoid busy times.

They will also implement real time VMS roadside signage at Bovey Tracey and Yelverton, utilising technology and techniques used to manage visitors in urban areas, which will advise of real time traffic delays and car parking capacity.

Dartmoor National Park will continue to implement physical verge treatments at the worst sites to protect the fabric of the national park, with work planned and implementation started at Shipley Bridge, Two Bridges, Riddon Ridge, Newbridge and Meldon.

They are also still hopeful that a longer term solution for Two Bridges will be found through the implementation and enforcement of double yellow lines, but are still awaiting confirmation from Devon County Council on the feasibility of this.

And the meeting heard that they were considering how and where pop-up campsites or car parks may be appropriate to help provide capacity at busy locations at peak times, but they have not yet been able to identify agreed locations.

Limiting Damaging Activity

Rather than focus on a formal restriction, officers are looking to consider use of voluntary restrictions asking people to help us look after Dartmoor by restricting an activity or not visiting a certain place which links closely to our proposed tone and messaging for the coming season.

Wistman’s Wood

The stunning Wistman’s Wood remains one of the moor’s most unspoiled areas, and its moss-covered trees and dwarf oak trees are thought to resemble what Dartmoor looked like as far back as 7000BC.

The wood was given protection as a site of special scientific interest in 1964 and is managed by Natural England.

But it has become a ‘mecca’ for people looking to get out and about during lockdown and that is causing severe damage to the area, and rubbish has been left, while lichen – which takes centuries to grow – is being stripped from trees for ‘hanging baskets’.

To tackle the issues, a new information board will be on site by Easter at the car park, with the key messages being to advise visitors to tread lightly though the ancient valley, to do not walk through the wood or scramble across the rocky boulders and this will destroy the lichens and mosses, not to light fires, and leave your BBQ’s at home, and that wild camping is not allowed anywhere in this area.

A new people counter will be placed on the path in March to provide real time information and will help Dartmoor better understand busy times so that they can allocate resources, while on site engagement officers will be a crucial element of the plan for this summer.

The meeting saw the National Park Authority agree to note the Visitor Management Plan, as well as agreeing to the 2021/22 business plan, as well as setting their budget for the upcoming year – albeit without having actually been told by DEFRA what their National Park grant will be – a fact that left committee members ‘wanting to rant to someone’.

The budget includes £40,000 from reserves being used to help fund the visitor marshal scheme, as well as the increase in car parking charges that had been agreed in March 2020, but had not been implemented due to the coronavirus pandemic, which will see half-day parking rise from £1 to £2, and all day parking from £2 to £3.

Donna Healy, Dartmoor’s chief financial officer, said that they are expecting a ‘flat cash’ settlement from Defra, but if the figure is lower, then they will either have to use more reserves or reduce their work programme in order to balance the budget.

She added:

"For 2021/22, we are in limbo until we know the future of our long-term funding. The use of our reserve balances is an appropriate mechanism for bridging the gap until the future is clearer, and he outcome may prove to be much better than the bleak scenarios painted here, but if we are forced to respond to cuts, no one should be in any doubt that this may significantly affect our ability to deliver current Authority and Management Plan objectives."

Mark Renders said that the lack of clarity over the settlement left him so frustrated. He asked: "Who do we moan to, as how can you run anything when you don’t know what we are getting?"

Catherine Pannell said that it was three weeks from new financial year and yet we are left in limbo, but Naomi Oakley said that Dartmoor sadly didn’t really have any power to do anything about the delay in funding from Defra, saying: "What are we going to do, close the National Park?"

Dr Kevin Bishop, the chief executive for the National Park, added: "Defra have a legal obligation to give us the settlement before the end of the financial year. We have told them of the importance of getting it early so we can do rigorous budget planning.

"The person to moan to is the Secretary of State for Environment but I am not convincing moaning will get us anywhere."

And on the business plan, which the committee agreed, Dr Bishop added:

"The draft Business Plan is ambitious, with a blend of key actions that will deliver management and enhancement of the environment, opportunities for people to get engaged and promote the enjoyment and understanding of Dartmoor’s special qualities.

"These actions will help support the Dartmoor economy and the communities that live within the National Park.

"The draft Business Plan for 2021/22 is structured around the five priorities identified. They are Better for Nature, Better for Cultural Heritage, Better for Farming and Forestry, Better for People and Better for Communities and Business.

"The draft Business Plan also identifies a sixth priority – ‘Be an excellent organisation’ – which reflects our desire to be an effective organisation providing an excellent level of service. This priority also reflects our aim to be a carbon neutral organisation by 2025."

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