E-fit released after sexual assault on 12 year old girl in Plymouth

It happened just off Crownhill Road in October

Author: Simon McleanPublished 21st Nov 2022

Police investigating an alleged sexual assault on a twelve year old girl in Plymouth have released an e-fit picture of someone they want to trace.

It's alleged that a man approached a 12-year-old girl just off Crownhill Road, close to the path and footbridge that leads to Whitley Way, at around 5.10pm on Sunday 30 October.

Detective Constable Nat Elliott-Smith from the Plymouth Public Protection Unit said: “We are keen to hear from anyone who can help us identifying this person.

“The suspect made inappropriate and sexually aggressive comments to the girl and then attempted to grab her by the shoulder.

“She managed to run away and whilst shaken up, she is thankfully unharmed.

“The victim immediately called her parents who then called the police. Units were sent to the area, but our initial searches were unsuccessful. Clearly this is an upsetting and concerning incident and we are appealing for witnesses to help officers locate the man responsible.”

“If you witnessed the incident or were in the area between 4.45pm and 5.30pm on Sunday 30 October or have any information that could assist with the investigation, the please contact us.

“Similarly, if you are a road user and have dashcam or helmet cam footage that can help, or CCTV or doorbell camera’s that have captured anything of interest, please contact the investigative team immediately.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101@dc.police.uk, or by calling 101 quoting crime reference CR/100687/22.