Devonport MP calls for clarification on future of two Navy warships

Luke Pollard says rumours that HMS Albion and Bulwark could be retired earlier than planned are causing "considerable concern"

Author: Cameron HallPublished 13th Jan 2024

A Plymouth MP is calling for an "urgent clarification" on the future of two Royal Navy warships based in Devonport.

Luke Pollard, the Labour MP for Plymouth Devonport, says there's "considerable concern" in the city amid reports that HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark could be retired from service a decade earlier than planned.

It's believed this would be due to a shortage of Royal Navy personnel.

Mr Pollard said "having successfully stopped Ministers scrapping Albion and Bulwark once, they’re at it again. To stop Rishi Sunak from mothballing Devonport’s largest warships we will need to bring all the pressure we can to bear on the MOD.

"That's why I have called on the Defence Secretary to urgently set out whether rumours of mothballing these ships are accurate, so the mist of concern can be lifted and plans can be adequately scrutinised and assessed."

The Commons Defence Select Committee said this week they were intending to hold a special inquiry into the potential mothballing of both ships, and the impact this would have on Royal Marine capabilities.

Mr Pollard said this was "a precious opportunity to make the case for these ships, the Royal Navy and for the Royal Marines.”

Speaking in the House of Commons on Monday, Defence Procurement Minister James Cartlidge said that "no final decision has been made" on both ships' platforms.

"I know that there has been much coverage in the press—and, inevitably, chatter—and I know how important they are to our service personnel.

"I reassure him that we are looking at this in the round. We are absolutely committed to supporting defence jobs across the piece."