Delays to sexual violence trials must be tackled, says Devon charity

The system has become even more backlogged since the coronavirus pandemic hit

Author: Chris BakerPublished 9th Jun 2021

A Devon charity has urged the Government to speed up trials for sexual violence cases.

Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services are demanding change, following a warning of long delays and trials collapsing.

There are currently nearly 58,000 outstanding crown court cases and more than 450,000 magistrates court cases in the system.

The charity says victims of rape and domestic violence are likely to be the hardest hit by the delays.

Chief Executive of Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services, Caroline Voaden, said:

"For too long the judicial system for victims of sexual violence has been woefully inadequate. Neglect and underfunding means that some victims and survivors have to wait years for justice.

"These delays are unacceptable, and women are often retraumatised by their experience of the judicial process. Most have no confidence in it at all, and those that do choose to report are entering into years of protracted legal processes that can be soul destroying. At the end of all of it, less than 6% of rape cases end up with a prosecution. It's unacceptable.

"We need urgent action from the Government to safeguard victims' trust in the justice system."

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