COVID cases continue to rise in Plymouth as Derriford opens another ward

Hospital admissions are also increasing, but aren't as high as they were at the peak

Author: Chris BakerPublished 22nd Jul 2021

Plymouth now has the 15th highest Covid-19 infection rate anywhere in the country.

Cases have been rising in recent weeks, with over 2,000 being recorded in the past week alone.

Over 20 coronavirus patients are currently being treated at the city's Derriford Hospital, with bosses there opening another ward for COVID patients this week.

Dr Ruth Harrell is Plymouth's Director of Public Health. She said the rise is to be expected after restrictions have been eased:

"It's not totally surprising that we've seen an increase but I think we're all a bit surprised at just how big that increase has been.

"It's been in the 15-24-year-olds and obviously they are people who, up until recently, weren't able to be vaccinated, so they haven't had that protection that other age groups have had."

Dr Harrell thinks people tend to be more social in the summer and the Euro 2020 football competition meant fans gathered in groups.

She said: "People got together at that time, and unfortunately this disease is incredibly infectious and spreads very easily and we perhaps saw some spread there and then it's caused it to spread into the community."

Despite all legal restrictions ending on Monday (19 July), Plymouth City Council is urging locals and visitors to continue wearing face coverings and keep a safe distance from others.

Dr Harrell also said taking regular lateral flow tests will help stop the virus spreading and protect the NHS.