24 tonnes of litter collected in Plymouth over Easter weekend

That's despite calls for people to take their rubbish home with them

Bins on The Hoe were overflowing over the Bank Holiday weekend
Author: Chris BakerPublished 7th Apr 2021

Over 24 tonnes of litter was collected from across Plymouth this long weekend, despite pleas to people to take their rubbish home.

In preparation for the long Easter weekend, Plymouth City Council stepped up measures to ensure that the city was ready for an influx of people out and about, keeping popular hotspots like The Hoe, clean and safe for everyone.

More bins were installed in high footfall areas.

A small army of cleaning staff were out collecting rubbish that people had abandoned in public places.

10 temporary portaloos on the Hoe were emptied daily and cleaned three times a day.

Increased COVID marshals gave out advice and guidance.

A team of youth officers worked with young people.

Ruth Harrell, Director of Public Health for Plymouth City Council said:

"We worked hard this weekend to make sure that there were more bins, loos, staff collecting litter and COVID Marshals. But it was disappointing to see that many people still felt it was ok to leave their rubbish on the grass, where they were sitting. It was very selfish.

"As the city continues to unlock over the weeks and months ahead, we will continue to play our part. But we need all residents and visitors to do their bit too.

"Over the next few weeks, we will continue to prioritise safety and cleanliness. But our enforcement officers will be out and about across the city, targeting hot spots when we know there is an issue and working closely with the Police.

"It is not just for the Council to ensure that the city is clean - it is a responsibility for all residents and businesses."