Northamptonshire dermatologist delivers warning about skin cancer

Dr Kazeem Salako a Consultant Dermatologist at Northampton General Hospital and has reminded people to protect themselves against the sun in warm weather

Skin Cancer
Published 13th May 2024

After a weekend in the sunshine we're being reminded of sun safety in Northamptonshire.

Nearly six-and-a-half million people in the UK admit they don't wear sunscreen in order to get a tan.

New research suggests one in five holidaymakers would go abroad without packing it claiming they'll be "fine" without it.

That's despite 90 percent of us knowing sun cream is important to protect our skin.

More and more young people are choosing not to wear sun cream and opting to use tanning beds, despite medical advice suggesting it can be harmful to your skin.

Dr Kazeem Salako a Consultant Dermatologist at Northampton General Hospital said: "Most of the skin cancers if they are caught early are curable.

"Even the most dangerous type of skin cancer, a Melanoma is still curable if it's caught early as a pose to when things are delayed.

"Younger and younger people are coming to me with nasty skin cancers because of a care free attitude to sun protection.

"If your Caucasian with blonde hair and blue eyes I should not be preaching to you about sun protection, it's common sense.

"But the myth that only Caucasian people get skin cancer is not true, asian and black people can also get skin cancer.

"They get it in the extremities, the non exposed areas so if you have wounds on your toes or your leg that isn't healing it's best to go and get it checked out."