Viral Campaign to smash £100,000 for Alan Barnes

The disabled pensioner was mugged last weekend.

Published 31st Jan 2015

Donations for a disabled pensioner who was mugged outside his home should smash through £100,000 today.

After reading about the mugging of 67-year-old Alan Barnes, beautician Katie Cutler set up an online fundraising page that went viral raising over a hundred times its original £500 target in just two days.

Mr Barnes, who has disabilities from birth after his mother contracted German measles when she was pregnant, broke his collarbone when he was pushed over by his attacker.

People were moved to help after hearing that Mr Barnes was too afraid to return to his home in Low Fell, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.

Following reports of the attack, which police described as "disgraceful", Ms Cutler set up the Help Alan Barnes online donation page on the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe.

She wrote: "I was so upset that anyone could target a disabled pensioner and be so cruel.

"We can't take away what has happened but with a little donation we can make the future a prettier one and help towards the cost of his new home. Thank you all."

One online contributor, Lorraine Susan, said: "I really hope this fund helps him get settled somewhere nice & safe.

"At least he knows there are literally thousands on his side."

Mr Barnes is a well-known figure in Low Fell and is renowned for being able to quickly calculate how many days old someone is from their date of birth.