Third anti-Trump rally to be held in Newcastle

Protesters to meet at Grey's Monument as MPs debate state visit today.

Published 20th Feb 2017

Thousands are expected at a rally in Newcastle later against the US President’s visit to the UK.

Prime Minister Theresa May invited Donald Trump earlier this year, but since then almost two million people have signed a petition to prevent it and today it will be debated by MP's.

The protest is called by Newcastle Unites and supported by the North East People’s Assembly, Newcastle Stop the War, Stand Up to Racism North East and Newcastle Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

According to the Facebook page, over 2600 people are interested in the event held at Greys Monement with a 5.30pm start.

Theresa Easton, from the North East People’s Assembly, will be giving a speech. She said:

“There’s lots of different groups coming together. There’s young people coming together, retired people coming together, trade unionists. I think the support in the north east is very broad, it’s very diverse and it’s very much rooted in the community. We can only build on that coalition.

“Whether it’s banning all Syrian refugees, banning Muslim people from travelling to the country or whether it’s attacking workers’ rights. Lots of people are concerned about that close relationship, that special relationship that Theresa May wants with Donald Trump.”

The demonstration will also voice support for the campaign by One Day Without Us, who are already running protests on the same day, standing up for migrants’ rights.

Other speakers include: Kathy Taylor - Newcastle Unites, Cllr Mary Foy – Gateshead Council and Shumel Rahman -North East Friends of Al Aqsa.

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