Teenage girl sexually assaulted on way home from school in Consett

The girl was attacked Thursday afternoon near Gensis Way as she made her way home from school.

Published 9th May 2016

Police are appealing for information after a 14-year-old girl was sexual assaulted near to Genesis Way, Consett.

The assault happened at 3.50pm on Thursday, May, 5 on ‘the heaps’ at the back of the Tesco Extra Store.

The girl was approached from behind and knocked to the ground where she was sexually assaulted before she was able to run to safety.

The man, described as in his 20’s, 5’9” tall, of mixed race with black short hair, broad shoulders, skinny. It is possible he had his ear pierced and was wearing a ring. He was also wearing a grey hoodie and smelt strongly of urine.

PC Karen Myers, from Consett CID, said: “This is a clearly a very shocking and upsetting incident for the girl involved and the wider community.

“We would like to reassure people that we are doing everything we can to trace the individual involved, we are currently reviewing town centre CCTV to identify this man and are now appealing to the public for information to assist us.”

Specialist officers are supporting the girl and her family.

Anyone with information should call 101 and ask for PC Karen Myers at Consett CID.