Soldier reportedly refused leave because 'men don't go to baby showers'

So he changed his reason.

Published 28th Jun 2016

A post on the image sharing website imgur has recently become popular after a user posted a photo of an US army leave request form.

The photo clearly shows the reason for the leave request as 'baby shower' which has been crossed out with the comment 'men don't go to baby showers'.

After the request was refused the soldier then resubmitted the form with a different reason, saying he would, 'drink whiskey, wrestle bears and shoot lots of guns.'

He went on to say, 'I also plan to grow a beard, chop down a hundred trees with my axe and eat 10lbs of thick cut bacon with my wife, whom I plan to have lots of unprotected sex with, because I am a man and that's just what we do.'

Ending his explanation with the simple word, 'Football'.

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While the authenticity of this post has not be verified the post has received over 8.2 million views and 1,000 comments, with many in support of the solder saying, 'A baby shower is to give gifts to a couple having a baby, not just the woman. Both should both be there to thank people for their gifts.'


'Good for him. I'm surprised people really care about men not doing "manly" things.'

While others have responded to the post saying that it is fake because you don't need to give a reason for leave.

Whether it is fake or not it has become quite the talking point over whether men should in fact go to baby showers (whether they are in the army or not) as a one user commented.

'I'm fairly certain he meant that baby showers are generally only attended by the mother, not that it's too effeminate.'

Sadly we will never know if this is a real request and if it is whether he was granted leave.