Second bail hearing for Ashington ex-soldier imprisoned in India adjourned

Published 28th Sep 2016

A second bail hearing for an Ashington ex-soldier imprisoned in India, which was due to take place today, has been adjourned.

Nick Dunn was sentenced to five years for firearms charges among five other British men - including Catterick's Nick Simpson.

Their second bail hearing, which was due to take place at the High Court in India today (Thursday, September 29), has been adjourned until October 19th.

Back in April 2014 the men were granted bail, but were still kept behind bars in India.

But Nick's sister Lisa hoped that this time around, her brother would finally be able to come home.

Speaking before the hearing today she said: "I would like to think they are going to apply sound mind to this and sound judgement - once again, for a second time - and issue the correct verdict.

"Issue the only verdict that they possibly can; that these men are not guilty of any wrongdoing and they should be allowed home now."