Recruiter suggests your engagement ring could be the reason you didn’t get a job

Surely this isn't true?!

Published 27th Aug 2016

There are many reasons why you might not be successful after a job interview, but we didn’t expect this one. According to Bruce Hurwitz, an executive recruiter, your engagement ring might have cost you the job.

In a blog post on networking site LinkedIn, he suggests that engaged women should remove their ring before heading into an interview.

The post explains,“When a man sees that ring he immediately assumes you are high maintenance. When the woman at the office who has the largest diamond on her finger, sees that ring, she will realise that if you are hired she will fall to second place and will, therefore, not like you. Lose the ring!”

Bruce continues, “So lose the rock! And, if you don’t have one, but got engaged by signing a pre-nup, find a way to let male interviewers know that. They’ll respect you. (Women may as well, but I’m not certain that this is the case.)”

Believe it or not, the post was written in 2016, not 1956.

One reader’s comment summed it up best, “If someone is judging me based on the fact that I have a wedding ring on my finger, I don’t want to work for you.”