A quarter of festival-goers ditch their drugs when contents are revealed

Durham University Professor Fiona Measham conducted safety tests at Kendal Calling and Secret Garden Party.

Published 5th Aug 2016

Initial results from drug tests at two popular UK festivals found a quarter of drug users ditched their stash when they realised what they contained.

Durham University Professor Fiona Measham tested drugs at Kendal Calling and Secret Garden Party as part of her charity In The Loop.

Her intial findings confirmed that some drugs contained substances that could prove deadly if consumed in high doses.

One cocaine sample contained traces of kitchen cleanr.

Professor Measham said: "We found that they varied in MDMA content and the concern there is if people took two of the very low dosage, they will probably get a very mild effect.

"Whereas if they took two of the highest doseage pills, that could potentially be lethal.

"We were able to tweet the contents of these pills so people can look out for them and hopefully avoid them."