Protests in Bedlington today...

Published 1st May 2015

We've had 30 years worth of Governments NOT doing enough for needs to change..

That's what Wendy Reid has told us. She's the woman behind campaign group Make A Noise For Bedlington.

Today they're protesting in the Market Place from Noon.

They're not happy at apparently being looked over for the last 30 years when it comes to regeneration and want something done to bring new, much needed, facilities to the town.

Well Northumbria County Council have given us a statement:

Work is being accelerated on the development of a town centre investment strategy for Bedlington, aimed at creating vitality and sustainability in the town.

The first stage of ambitious plans for the future has been announced.

After weeks of intensive work to secure positive progress for the local community, an agreement has been reached, subject to approvals, for Arch, the Northumberland Development Company, to purchase all of the property assets owned by Tesco in Bedlington, including the former food store.

Steven Mason, lead executive director at Northumberland County Council says:

We are very pleased to be able to announce that Tesco has agreed to sell its store and other assets to Arch, the Northumberland Development Company, providing an exciting opportunity to guide positive development.

Bedlington has always been a priority for the council, and this is just the first step in progressing ambitious plans for the future.”

Following the news that Tesco would be closing its store in the town the Council commissioned Arch to develop and draw up a comprehensive investment strategy for Bedlington.

This purchase is the first phase in the start of a whole new journey for the town as Northumberland County Council, in partnership with Arch, will now develop, fund and deliver an exciting new Investment Strategy, the focus of which will be a better retail and leisure offer, with new homes for sale and rent.

The agreement to purchase the properties is in principle and subject to both Tesco and Arch board approval in June and the sale is expected to be completed by the beginning of July.

Steven Mason, continued:

“The council is committed to supporting regeneration and business growth in town centres and fully appreciates the importance of the vibrancy of the town centre to all Bedlington residents. Further consultation and community engagement will take place as this work progresses.

I hope this reassures local residents that the council is committed to addressing their concerns."