PM's Extremism Strategy Must Not Isolate North East Muslims

Published 22nd Jul 2015

A Muslim organisation in the North East say David Cameron isn't taking the right steps to get rid of extremism.

Abu Tayyip from The Islamic Diversity Centre says the Prime Minister must take care not to criminalise normal Muslims.

The Prime Minister made a speech on Monday outlining the government's plans to crack down on ISIS ideology.

In the five-year plan, he said it's essential to integrate Muslims and tackle people promoting extremist views.

Zak Mahmoud is from the Islamic Diversity Centre who say the Prime Minister isn't focusing on the right things.

He said the PM missed three Muslim problems that need to be addressed.

"Number one was a foreign policy grievance. The second was a perception of Islamophobia, and the third was a lack of belonging.

"Now for me, the approach that's going to be successful in tackling radicalisation; it must be comprehensive, it must be holistic and it must tackle all three of these issues at hand."