Petition Launched To Stop Conmen Impersonating Soldiers

Published 6th Nov 2015

A new law is desperately needed to stop con men posing as war heroes.

That's what we're hearing from Ian Driver from South Shields, whose dad and brother served in the forces.

He's backing a new petition calling on the government to make impersonating a solider illegal, similar to the Stolen Valour Act 2005 in the USA.

It’s over fears that in some cases, the public are conned out of donations by so called Walter Mitty’s, who pocket the cash for themselves.

Ian Driver, who now Chairs a charity called Veteran’s Response, said:

“They’ve laughed in veteran’s faces, veterans that have fought for this country, veterans who’ve been injured and they’re trying to get their lives together and veterans who have unfortunately lost their lives. It’s not just the veterans that affects but their families too.”

“These people are keeping with money with full intent of ripping the public off”

“At Veterans Response, we lost £3000 and had to turn veterans away, which we shouldn’t of had to. The guy got away with it, all he got was a slap on the wrist.”

Marcus Hawthorne, Northern Area Manager for the British Legion says that while he doesn’t know if a law would be the best option, greater public awareness is needed so that those wishing to donate to causes like the Poppy Appeal know exactly that it is.

“Those people have earned their medals and got them with good reason and to pretend to be someone like that I think is wrong. But that doesn’t mean there is a law against it and I’d recommend that people don’t take their own actions.”

“I think anyone that you’ve got suspicious over, particularly if they’re collecting money… if it’s something that the legion can look into contact us, if not get in touch with the police.”

You can view the petition here: