Petition launched to ban under 18's from festivals

Friends of a teenager who died at this years T In The Park have backed a campaign calling for higher age restrictions.

Published 11th Jul 2016

A campaign has launched to raise the age restriction on festivals following the death of a Seaham teenager.

Police continue to investigate the deaths of two teenagers at T In The Park, including a 17 year old named locally as Megan Bell.

Lora Wilson, from Sunderland, tells us Megan was her younger sister Olivia’s best friend.

She’s set up a petition with hopes to ban at least all under 18s from attending all festivals.

She said:

“I just don’t want to see anyone else to go through what all our friend and all our families have gone through, it’s just horrible. She was just starting her life.

“A death is always traumatising for loved ones, however teenagers are often more subject to peer pressure and the need to fit into the social norms often by following examples of those who seem older and wiser.

“Parents, families and friends of these teens worlds have been torn apart, looking back at what was supposed to be a fun time with friends. Let this not be an option for parents to have to face, take this option away for under 18/21s.

“Parents may not always be aware of today's pressures on minors, and should have faith in festival organisers to set an appropriate restriction, festivals should help parents to be aware of these dangers and pressures of today, by raising the age restriction.”

We've reached out to the TITP festival organisers but not heard back yet.

View the petition here: