Parking fees to rise in Newcastle as major shakeup moves closer

Author: Daniel Holland, LDRSPublished 31st Mar 2022

A major shakeup to scrap free evening parking in Newcastle has finally taken a step forward, while hourly fees across the city are also set to rise.

It was revealed last year that the long-standing offer of cost-free parking in popular council-run multi-storeys in the city centre after 5pm, under the Alive After Five banner, was set to be axed early in 2022.

The changes would mean that the Eldon Square, Eldon Garden, Dean Street, Oxford Street, and Grainger Town car parks would keep charging until 10pm, as would all on-street parking bays and surface car parks within the core city centre.

After the announcement last November, there had been no sign of progress on Newcastle City Council’s plans.

But, four months later than scheduled, a public consultation on the scheme has now been launched – with less than two weeks now left for residents to have their say on the scheme, which the local authority says will help “manage demand” for parking spaces and cut air pollution.

The Quayside and Manors multi-storeys, both also part of Alive After Five, would instead be free after 6pm under the planned changes, while 6pm will also remain the cut-off time for fees at the Claremont Road car park near the Royal Victoria Infirmary. A £3 all-day rate on Sundays would also be axed in the city centre, with drivers having to pay the standard weekday rates instead.

Full details of the scheme can be found at, where city residents have until April 13 to make comments.

Before the overhaul of the Alive After Five offer comes into force, however, the council is set to raise the price of parking across the city.

Proposals were published on Tuesday to up parking fees by 10p an hour in almost 50 locations, and to increase all-day tariffs by £1 where they exist.

Those uplifts, which could be applied in April, are expected to generate an extra £360,000 in annual income.

A spokesperson for Newcastle City Council said: “From next month there will be an increase in parking charges at council-run car parks across the city.

“These changes, agreed as part of the council’s budget process in February, are designed to help manage demand for parking, alleviate congestion and keep traffic moving.

“This will, in turn, help towards lowering pollution levels and carbon emissions, which is vital for our health, our economy and the environment.

“Income from parking charges is used to help continue the provision of parking services across the city, with any surplus revenue being used to support other essential council services.

“Proposals for the introduction of evening and Sunday charges in council-run car parks is subject to an ongoing statutory consultation prior to a final decision being made. This consultation is due to end in mid-April and a final decision will be agreed once any objections have been given full consideration.

“The Alive after Five initiative was created and financially supported by NE1. Because of Covid we have seen city centre retail hours and shopper patterns change. Any decisions regarding the future of the scheme are made in collaboration with NE1.”

Here is the full list of 46 Newcastle car parks affected and the proposed new hourly rate:

Dean Street MSCP – £1.80

Eldon Garden MSCP – £2.20 (£11 all-day)

Eldon Square MSCP – £2.40

Grainger MSCP – £1.30 (£9 all-day)

Manors MSCP – £1.20 (£9 all-day)

Stadium MSCP – £0.90

Quayside MSCP – £1.20 (£9 all-day)

Akenside Hill – £1.60

Argyle Street – £1.10

Blandford Square – £1.20

Blandford Street East – £1.20

Castle Farm – £0.70

Civic Centre – £1.60

Claremont Road – £1.60

Close Swing Bridge – £1.50

Coach Lane – £0.40

College Street – £1.80

Cross Villa – £0.80

Ellison Place – £1.80

Forth Banks – £0.80

Friars – £0.50

Gosforth Pool and Library – £0.30

Hancock Street – £1.40

Heywood Court – £1.70

Kingston Park – £1.40 all-day

Leazes Park – £1.60

Leazes Park Road – £1.60

McPhees – £0.50

Melbourne Court West – £0.60

Merchant House – £1.30

Morden Street – £2.20

Ord Street – £0.70

Osbourne Terrace – £0.60

Paddy Freemans – £0.50

Painters Heugh – £1.80

Pottery Lane – £0.60

Salters Road – £0.40

Sandyford Square – £1.60

Saville Place – £1.80

Sheildfield – £0.50

St Georges – £1.10

St Marys – £1.40

St Nicholas Avenue – £0.40

Stepney Road – £0.50

Stoddart House – £0.50

Terrace Place South – £1.60

Two council car parks are being made exempt from the changes – Spillers Quay in Ouseburn, as parking tariffs were only recently introduced there, and the East End Pool, which is free for the first four hours.
