#NUFC Top of the League!

Published 16th Jun 2015

Newcastle United Down's syndrome football team enjoyed a successful afternoon at the DSActive National Football Festival The Newcastle United team travelled to the Portway Lifestyle Centre in Oldbury to take part in the DSActive National Festival, which took place on Sunday 14 June.

The DSActive programme is a bespoke football and tennis programme for people with Down’s syndrome in the UK, administered and run by the Down’s syndrome Association.

Sunday’s tournament consisted of 22 teams taking part in six-a-side games in a 13+ tournament, with each match lasting ten minutes. The groups were carefully administered and selected, taking into account each team’s ability and length of time the team have played together.

The Magpies made an impressive start to the tournament by coming top in their group, winning four games out of four.

!Tom Welch The squad unfortunately missed out on a place in the finals as they were defeated by Everton (3-1) who went on to the final to be beaten by Charlton Athletic who were crowned champions. Newcastle United Foundation’s disability football coordinator, Reggie Dornan said:

"The families and players were thrilled to be a part of the DSActive Tournament and they did so well to win their group and get so far!”

Martin and Mark (Foundation coaches) have done a great job coaching the Down’s syndrome team, and we’re very proud of the team representing Newcastle United.”

We’re looking ahead to next year’s already. It’s a brilliant opportunity for children and families around the UK to participate in such a valued sport.” For more information on our projects, please contact Reggie Dornan reggie.dornan@nufc.co.uk