Northumbria Police Chief Constable Retires

Former Northumbria Police Chief Constable has been speaking to Metro Radio about the highs and lows of her career.

Published 3rd Jun 2015

Former Northumbria Police Chief Constable has been speaking to Metro Radio about the highs and lows of her career.

After 11 years of service in the North East Sue Sim has left the force to spend more time with her family.

Within three months of taking up the role as Temporary Chief Constable back in 2010 she was called upon to lead one of the biggest manhunts of the country in recent years.

The Raoul Moat investigation attracted huge media interest, not just on the murder and the chase but personal attacks on Sue too.

She said it was the most challenging part of her career.

“There was a lot of media attention about the way that I look. I had been hoping over the years that that sort of thing had moved away but I do think that we’ve moved on from that. Of course the really significant low was the critical injury of PC David Rathband, one of my officers, from an injury that he never recovered from.”

Recently the Ex-Chief Constable has been up against allegations of misconduct which she’s now been cleared of.

She admits a lot of her behaviour towards staff came from frustration over £117 million pounds of cuts to their budget.

“I have shouted at people, I do have a robust management style, but I have only ever done that in relation to trying to make sure that we deliver the best service that we possibly can.”

Sue Sim says it’s now time to move on and spend time with her family, she hopes she’ll be remembered for her commitment to neighbourhood police and white she is sad to leave, Sue is looking forward to the next new adventure in her life.

  • “I have been very very proud and very honoured to be the Chief constable. I want to thank every member of my staff and my officers and all of the communities and partners that have allowed me to deliver the best policing service that I’ve been able to.”*