Newcastle Pubwatch launches new system

If you're on the list, you're not getting in. That's the message from Newcastle Pubwatch as they crackdown on drunk and disorderly behaviour in the city centre.

Published 19th May 2016

Bouncers and door staff who are part of the Newcastle Pubwatch scheme now have access to a new system which helps them to identify troublemakers on nights out.

The website, that can be accessed by pubs and clubs in Newcastle provides a live stream of updates, similar to that of a Facebook newsfeed, with information of people who are causing bother and being disruptive.

It’s also being used to target so called “career criminals” who take advantage of people who are worse for wear when it comes to crimes like theft and assault.

The page provides bar managers with mug shots and details of why they are barred.

Staff from different bars can communicate freely with one another and warn of people who are causing problems.

Damien Conway is Chairman of Pubwatch North East – he hopes the website will one day eradicate crime in the city.

“We want to sell you a drink and give you a fantastic night, but we don’t have time for the small number of people who are nasty pieces of work, who just come out to cause trouble. Like career criminals who make their money by stealing from and assaulting people in the city centre and those are the people that we don’t want in. If we bar them, we could have no crime whatsoever and that would be really good.”