Newcastle dad's anger about Butlins' 'racist wrestling'.

Published 4th Apr 2016

Newcastle dad's anger about Butlins' 'racist wrestling'.

A Newcastle dad's demanding Butlins reviews its wrestling show after taking his children to see what he says was 'a race hate filled ten minutes of everything wrong on racial stereotypes'.

Neil Ceriso took to Twitter on Sunday morning saying:

"So we brought the kids to @Butlins this w/e. Rough round the edges, but loads for them to do. It was all going well ...

They asked to watch the wrestling last night. Harmless bit of fun, we though @Butlins. But no ...

I felt I was dropped into the middle of a Britain First rally. Out came 'Hakim. The Islamic flag waving baddie. 'BOOOOO', we were told.

Then came Union flag trunk wearing 'Tony Spitfire'. Yes Tony Spitfire, ladies and gents. 'En-Ger-land!' He thumped over and over.

A horrific race hate-filled ten minutes of everything wrong on racial stereotypes. How did this get past the sense checkers @Butlins?'

He, later, told Metro Radio News that amid the rise in Islamaphobic and hate crimes this is the last thing anyone needs to see.

Butlins replied saying:

"Hi Christian, we're sorry to hear you're disappointed with the Superslam Wrestling. We will be sure to pass your feedback onto our entertainment's team who will looking in to this furher for you".

We contacted the company and a spokesman said:

"We are very concerned to hear this, and we thank the guest for bringing this to our attention. We have also since spoken to him to assure him this is a matter we are investigating and to apologise for the distress caused. Yesterday's wrestling show was a deviation from the agreed content, and we are conducting a full review with our third-party supplier as to why this happened. We would like to assure guests that this was a very unfortunate one-off which we find completely unacceptable, and is totally contrary to Butlin's values. It will not happen again."