Man jailed for pint glass attack on James Arthur in Redcar

It happened while the star was out drinking with friends.

James Arthur at Teesside Crown Court
Published 15th Feb 2017

A jealous ex lover's been sentenced to five-and-a-half years for smashing a pint glass over James Arthur's head after the singer had a fling with his ex-girlfriend.

The unprovoked attack by 31 year old Christopher Revell, took place in The Plimsoll Line pub, Redcar, as the star was out drinking with friends.

Revell smashed a glass over former X-Factor winner’s head, followed up by a punch before he was dragged off.

Arthur, who was taken to hospital and needed five staples, reportedly had a one-night stand with Gemma Iveson after she had broken up with Revell.

Prosecutor Nick Dry told Teesside Crown Court that Revell, a former cable fitter from Redcar, had initially denied using a glass after he was arrested.

He claimed he had attacked him because he had slept with an ex-girlfriend some time ago,''he said.

“He denied using a glass and said he had gone into a rage when Arthur smirked at him.''

The court heard that the couple had broken up and then got back together, but Revell had found text messages on Iveson’s phone relating to the fling with Arthur.

Mr Dry said Revell had 12 previous convictions, including assault.

In a statement read in court, Arthur claimed he initially feared the injuries would affect his music career and said he felt nervous to visit friends and family in his home town.

Andrew Turton, defending, said Revell had lost his home and his job as a result of the attack.