Man drove at almost 100mph with faulty brakes

A dangerous driver who was recorded driving in excess of 100mph in a vehicle with defective brakes has been banned from our roads.

Published 9th Mar 2016

A dangerous driver who was recorded driving in excess of 100mph in a vehicle with defective brakes has been banned from our roads. Salear Amir, 22, was speeding his red Volkswagen Golf along Newgate Street in Newcastle when he was spotted by a Northumbria Police Motor Patrols officer. The officer had to hit 109mph before he began to catch up with Amir during the incident on the central motorway at around 1.45am on April 4 last year. Eventually he was able to make ground on the speeding motorist and pull him over before he was reported for speeding and his VW Golf seized. Police then began an examination of the vehicle and investigators were stunned to find the brakes in a dangerously defective state. As a result of the investigation Amir was summons to court for dangerous driving. He initially denied the charge but later changed his plea to guilty. And at Newcastle Crown Court today (Wednesday, March 9) Amir, of Ilfracombe Avenue, Newcastle, was sentenced to 140 hours community service and banned from driving for 18 months. Chief Inspector John Heckels, of the Operations Department, said: "It was clear Amir was well above the 50mph speed limit when we spotted him driving on the Central Motorway. "His speed was excessive but coupled with the dangerous condition of his vehicle he put himself and other road users at considerable risk. "If he was travelling at those sorts of speeds and was in a position where he had to stop suddenly then I could be here today talking about a fatal collision. "Thankfully nobody was injured as a result of his actions but I hope this case comes as a stark warning to anyone else who thinks it is okay to flout the rules of the road. "If Amir had not been stopped on that night then we could be here talking about a far more serious court case as this vehicle should not have been on the road. "Driving with defective brakes could have fatal consequences, no matter what speed you are travelling at, and motorists should ensure that their vehicles are properly maintained. "Our motor patrols staff are specialists in their field and trained to the highest standards, they are determined to remove dangerous drivers and vehicles from the road and put them before the courts." Northumbria Police continue to run Operation Dragoon with officers regularly stopping vehicles they suspect of having defects and offering advice to motorists about keeping their cars roadworthy. The team often rely upon intelligence from our local communities and anyone with information about somebody who is breaking the law should contact the team on 101 or 999 in an emergency.