Loneliness Leading To Depression and Suicide In The North East

Published 25th Nov 2015

Loneliness in the North East is a BIG problem.

That's what we are hearing from groups and charities across the region as they warn it could happening on YOUR doorstep.

Age UK say the new John Lewis advert is helping raise awareness of the issue particularly among the elderly - but warn that isolation is happening behind closed doors.

Terry Yellowley runs a group through Age UK in Gateshead.

"A couple of them have said "that's me....that's me!" They felt like the guy on that advert. One gentleman said he felt like he just lives in a great big blackhole and there is a spotlight on him sometimes...but nobody will see him."

Rita told us she would be on her own with nothing but four walls for company if she didn't have groups like these.

She says for many it can be a lifeline.

"It is lonely. I mean weekends in particular. It is nice to have somebody to talk to, You've just got to grin and bear it and hope for the best."

Equal Arts who run schemes to combat isolation and loneliness say emotionally it can be devastating and can lead to depression and even suicide.

Whether it's checking on a neighbour or sharing a cup of tea, people across the North East are being encouraged to do more to help people who feel alone.